A pleasant scent can transform an entire shopping experience. Customers will notice the fragrance and it can create a memory that inspires them to purchase products, stay longer in stores and even return more frequently. This unique marketing strategy can increase your business’s sales and brand recognition.
Geurbeleving en verkoopresultaten it’s the layout of your store, music piped in or an inviting smell, all factors are important to a customer’s shopping experience. Using scent in your store is an inexpensive way to boost your sales, customer loyalty and employee productivity.
Scent Experience and Emotions: Building Deeper Customer Connections
For example, movie theaters rely heavily on the scent of popcorn to bring in and keep customers. In fact, the majority of a theater’s money is made from selling concessions. Scents like vanilla and cinnamon are popular for bringing in new customers while scents such as clean linen or pine can encourage returning shoppers.
Another great benefit of scent is that it can evoke positive emotions. This can lead to more customer loyalty and satisfaction as well as increased referrals. Moreover, it can help you establish an image as a company that is caring for its customers.
One of the most popular theories on why scent influences shopping results is called “processing fluency.” It argues that labels, logos and ads that are easier to process (or more familiar to a customer) have greater impact on their perceptions and purchases. However, Spangenberg has found a different explanation: that the presence of a pleasant scent can have an equivalent effect on customer shopping behavior.